Since we have one swap in the works, let's plan for the second swap. You can vote on the HGTV boards for your favorite theme or write one in. The two with the most votes will be the winner.
We already seem to have a TRUE 30's reproduction following and IF this is one of our themes, it would be for ALL shades of fabric and children's novelty prints (see suitable prints below). Also, please remember when selecting your fabrics to be sure they are a tight print with little open background. This will ensure a nice looking 1" hexagon.
In preparation for the swap, I have taken photos of some of my stash and what would and wouldn't be allowed in the swap. If you have a particular print and would like to see if it would be suitable, please email me a picture at
Here is my 30's repro stash!
As you can see by the scale of the 1' hexagon, these prints wouldn't be acceptable as they are larger prints with open backgrounds
Good children novelties-nice and tight small prints |
Not acceptable novelties-too much background showing and larger prints |
Acceptable novelty prints |
Not acceptable novelty prints-too large of a print or open background |
More of unacceptable larger prints
The next four pictures are all acceptable small prints with good scale
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